Sunday, December 21, 2008

David graduated!

On Friday, December 19th, we celebrated the momentous event of David's graduation from nursing school. Many long and challenging years of study, practice, and performance culminated in his graduating with honors, and we give all the glory to God (David even wrote "Deo Gratias" on his cap with medical tape). Next step: taking and passing the NCLEX (state boards) some time in January. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers for David during this journey! May God be glorified by the results. :)

David with his school and work schedule marked off each day leading up to graduation:

The cap (which sparked lots of questions from fellow students and instructors):
(David is holding our nephew, Sean)


Devin Rose said...

Congratulations, David! This is really cool and exciting.

Beth said...

Congrats David!! We are so proud of you!!

Lillian said...

Congratulations!!! What an accomplishment!

Katherine T. Lauer said...

Congratulations! That is fantastic! We need more Catholic nurses.