Friday, March 11, 2011

Egg carton greenhouses

Last year I kept some of the seeds from my two favorite heirloom tomatoes, Cherokee Purple and Amish Paste. I meant to plant them a week or two ago, but I finally got around to establishing my egg carton greenhouses this week.

These plastic cartons are from Born Free brand eggs; they have two sections with egg pockets and one cover. To make a greenhouse for seed starting, I removed one of the egg pocket sections - it will be used for watering, underneath the other egg pocket section. Then I used a nail to poke several holes in the bottom of each egg pocket in the remaining section. Then I filled the pockets with moist peat moss (which I have left over from mixing soil in my raised beds).

Finally, I placed one tomato seed on top of each spot and used a plastic spoon to gently nudge it under the surface. One carton is full of Cherokee Purple seeds and the other of Amish Paste, so I could potentially get 12 of each (though that is highly unlikely).

I don't have any grow lights or especially sunny windowsills, so I'm not sure where to put these so they'll get adequate light and heat to germinate and grow.